I 2024 besluttet Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune å kun bruke biologisk nedbrytbar hydraulikkvæske på hydraulikkaggregatene på alle fergekaier i fylkeskommunen.
Med biologisk nedbrytbar hydraulikkvæske i hydraulikksystemet kan du minimere den negative effekten på havmiljøet dersom væsken skulle lekke. Hvis man skal være så uheldig at væsken lekker fra hydraulikksystemet, vil den brytes ned i naturen på en måte som ikke skader miljøet.
Servi Group har levert dette til mange fergekaier.
- Especially recently, we have noticed that more and more people are demanding hydraulic environmentally friendly solutions, says Finn-Ove Kvalsvik, VP Service Ulsteinvik at Servi Group, who adds that the hydraulic unit at the ferry dock is very energy efficient.
The hydraulic power unit, also called Servi Green HPU, for this ferry terminal is a redundant unit with torque limiter on axial piston pumps. The unit is driven via frequency converters, which ensures optimal speed and energy consumption. This means, among other things, that the unit is only driven when the bridge is to be raised.
When the bridge is lowered, this is controlled by means of valves and the hydraulic fluid. In this way, significantly less energy is used than with a traditional hydraulic power unit.
The energy density and the potentially enormous forces that can be obtained from hydraulics, there is no other power source that can compete with within the same dimensions.
Two large cylinders and a hydraulic unit are used to control the bridge. The hydraulics contribute to a highly efficient power transmission, with precise control over speed, direction and force.
A traditional unit of this type can consume up to 15 kW continuously, which means that even with a small load there is high power consumption and a lot of noise. With the hydraulic unit that is currently installed on the ferry quay, the unit only uses the power that the system requires when the bridge is in use, while being very quiet.