Custom valve blocks

For our specially designed valve blocks, we choose the best from our own production and our suppliers together with the customer. We deliver hydraulic blocks and manifolds for maritime, industrial, mobile, and offshore applications.

Ever since Hydranor was established in 1962, we have delivered robust and reliable hydraulic blocks and manifolds for demanding applications. 

For our hydraulic blocks and manifolds, we use components according to customer requirements and specifications – typically components from: 

  • SUN Hydraulics
  • HAWE
  • ATOS
  • MOOG

Read more about winch blocks

Advantages of our hydraulic valves and manifolds:

Servi offers a safer and more environmentally friendly solution: 

  • Compact Design: We design all our hydraulic blocks and manifolds in 3D and optimize size/weight and cost.
  • Safer System: On our valve blocks, all pipe connections have been removed. This simplifies assembly and reduces leakage points.
  • Tested Before Delivery: We pressure and function test all hydraulic blocks and manifolds according to the specifications agreed upon at the time of order.
  • Easy Troubleshooting: All ports and components on our hydraulic blocks and manifolds are easily identifiable with engraved marking – this, along with comprehensive drawing documentation, makes operation follow-up and troubleshooting easy for service personnel. 

Higher valve performance with digitisation 

All of our hydraulic products can in adition to hydraulic remote control be delivered with:

Open loop electric remote control
Closed loop digital remote control 

We use Servi’s own developed valve technologyresulting in higher accuracy, repeatability, responsiveness, and performance. 

Contact us:

Sonny Thoresen
Sanin Muraspahic
Olav Kyllesdal
Dennis Møller